We will enjoy together to start a new project using .Net Core Web Api and Angular 2 , new challenge and a new world for ones whose have never had any contact with open source technologies or one different environment.
So lets pratique.
NodeJS (NPM)
. Net Core
Yeoman (via command line in your terminal or prompt)
npm install -g you
In my lab I am using Visual Studio Code , but you could use any IDE or prompt you prefer.
Start kit Angular
Basically for this test proposal we are going to use the template base just to initial test and then I going to use one simple project to demonstrate the powerful feature it is Angular 2.
Install the scaffold to generate asp net core via terminal
npm install -g yo generator-aspnetcore-spa
go to the folder which you want save the files ou create a new one and then command to start the scaffold.
yo aspnetcore-spa
and finally
dotnet restore
npm install
dotnet run
Use the navigator to browse http://localhost:5000
Should show the default angular start kit.
One of many problems which I have during my experience using Angular it was extremely difficult find one template stable enough to start to work and runnable in different OS, I am using these in my projects it working quite well.
See you next post.