Continuing our project we are going to add the Angular 4 and web pack configuration.
I'm using the example for the angular oficial site https://angular.io/guide/webpack .
If you want know more about webpack have a look in the oficial site https://webpack.js.org/ , basically webpack is a module bundler , webpack generate one unique bundle for your scripts a bundle could include javascript, html, css and etc. In the next part I'm going to do a brief explanation about the files and functions.
Angular 4 JIT (Just in time)
it has every library required to run the application, using the command npm install the node pack management will do download for the libraries into your local folder node_modules
typeScript Configuration
it says for angular what kind of legacy browser or application will be using, read more in https://angular.io/guide/browser-support
bundle configuration for vendor
default file to startup webpack configuration
webpack common configuration
webpack developer or debug configuration
webpack production configuration
it has file map configuration
Continuing .net project it is require few modification to run the webpack .
We need to add in our aarvanilanAngular4.csproj one new library
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices" Version="1.1.0" />
and then a new configuration in the startup.cs
Source code git https://github.com/americoa/DotNetAngular4WebPack2/tree/second-step fell free to share.